Usage examples

These examples are using default models, therefore before trying it be sure that you have dlib installed. Also in some examples for simplicity purposes, exceptions are not handled.

Getting working instances

Working with pre-defined default models.

>>> from face_engine import FaceEngine
>>> engine = FaceEngine()
>>> engine.detector
>>> engine.embedder
>>> engine.estimator

Notice that if dlib is not installed detector and embedder models will be abstract.

>>> from face_engine import FaceEngine
>>> engine = FaceEngine()
>>> engine.detector
>>> engine.embedder
>>> engine.estimator

To work with your own custom detector use:

>>> from my_custom_models import my_custom_detector
>>> engine = FaceEngine(detector='custom_detector')

or use corresponding setter method:

>>> from face_engine import FaceEngine
>>> from my_custom_models import my_custom_detector
>>> engine = FaceEngine()
>>> engine.detector = 'custom_detector'

Face detection

Find all faces in the image with corresponding confidence scores.

from face_engine import FaceEngine
engine = FaceEngine()
confidences, bounding_boxes = engine.find_faces('bubbles1.jpg')

Find largest face bounding box in the image with corresponding confidence score.

from face_engine import FaceEngine
engine = FaceEngine()
confidence, bounding_box = engine.find_face('bubbles1.jpg')

Face recognition

These examples are using imread() function to read image as uint8 array.

Extract facial embedding vectors from the image.

from face_engine import FaceEngine, tools
engine = FaceEngine()
image = tools.imread('bubbles1.jpg)
bbs = engine.find_faces(image)[1]
embeddings = engine.compute_embeddings(image, bbs)

Predict class name by given face image.


model has to be fitted before making any predictions.

from face_engine import FaceEngine, tools
engine = FaceEngine()['bubbles1.jpg', 'drive.jpg'], [1, 2])

image = tools.imread('bubbles2.jpg')
bbs = engine.find_faces(image)[1]
embeddings = engine.compute_embeddings(image, bbs)
scores, class_names = engine.predict(embeddings)

Make (lazy) prediction to find out class names and bounding boxes in one call.

from face_engine import FaceEngine
engine = FaceEngine()['bubbles1.jpg', 'drive.jpg'], [1, 2])
class_names, bounding_boxes = engine.make_prediction('bubbles2.jpg')

Face comparison

Compare a face in the source image with each face in the target image, to find out the most similar one.

from face_engine import FaceEngine, tools
engine = FaceEngine()
score, bounding_box = engine.compare_faces('bubbles1.jpg', 'bubbles2.jpg')


Save engine state to file:

>>> from face_engine import FaceEngine
>>> engine = FaceEngine()
>>>['bubbles1.jpg', 'drive.jpg'], [1, 2])

Load engine state from file:

>>> from face_engine import load_engine
>>> engine = load_engine('engine.p')
>>> engine.make_prediction('bubbles2.jpg')
>>> ([(270, 75, 406, 211)], [1])

Application examples

These examples use opencv to read and visualize image data, so you may need to install it before.

Live face detection

import cv2
from face_engine import FaceEngine
from face_engine.exceptions import FaceNotFoundError

engine = FaceEngine()
cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0)

while True:
    frame =[1]
    rgb_frame = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
        bbs = engine.find_faces(rgb_frame)[1]
        for bb in bbs:
            cv2.rectangle(frame, bb[:2], bb[2:], (0, 255, 0), 1)
    except FaceNotFoundError:
    # Display the resulting frame
    cv2.imshow('frame', frame)
    if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'):


Live face recognition

This example use make_prediction(), to find out only class names without prediction scores. To get prediction scores use predict() instead.

import cv2
from face_engine import load_engine
from face_engine.exceptions import FaceNotFoundError

# assume that engine is saved before
engine = load_engine('engine.p')
cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0)

while True:
    frame =[1]
    rgb_frame = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
        bbs, names = engine.make_prediction(rgb_frame)
    except FaceNotFoundError:
        pass # pass drawing
        # draw bounding boxes and predicted names
        for bb, name in zip(bbs, names):
            cv2.rectangle(frame, bb[:2], bb[2:], (0, 255, 0), 1)
            cv2.putText(frame, name, (bb[0], bb[1] - 10),
                cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.9, (0, 255, 0), 1)
    cv2.imshow('frame', frame)
    if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'):
